Sunday, February 15, 2009

Horatio, Stop your LIES!

When I visited Horatio's blog tonite, I was irritating about his writing on FSM been deregistered.

I then make a call to arisham and ask him about this issue. Arisham said "He will make a official announcement as soon as he can, he needs to have meeting with his fellow ex-FSM committees to verify his announcement. However, he ask Horatio to read carefully THE LETTER FROM ROS. The president in the Horatio's blog is suppose to be a MAN! not a woman. This is the case when GOD pay CASH to those who trying to put blame on innocent people. Learn from it will you!. "

Arisham then emailed me copy the letter from ROS (I cannot published yet until, the official announcement been made) to my suprise, there are no names of Dr. Moonyza's committees in the list been named by ROS!. After read the letter carefully, now I knew that the 'president' in the Horatio blog really suppose to be a MAN picture.

So, this is the case where Horatio trying to fool his readers..err again...

What make me wonder are PERINGATAN 1 & 2 (REMINDER 1 & 2) in the letter, which directed not to Dr. Moonyza and her committees but someone else!

RM15,000.00 & RM 3,000.00??

So, who's guilty? FIND OUT VERY SOON...


Anonymous said...

I can't help noticing the fat president, look like one of the previous president of FSM. Is H trying to hint everyone it is Zamina??

Anonymous said...

Well if it is suppose to be a man but H put a picture of a woman, maybe what he is trying to say is actually the president is a man but loves to act like a woman, no?opssss...

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that an announcement in the FSM website will be "coming soon" per your quoting Arisham. What about making the announcement to FSM members NOT on the internet (there are more than a few)? Whether FSM has been deregistered or not means little to me, I'm just wondering where the "blame" is going to be put.

What will happen to the amounts outstanding to those that the 2008/2009 FSM exco owes money to?

Anonymous said...

hmmmm .. i think the president was DR moonysomething. She has been elected from april 07/09 term. Since the committee just like to lick balls n pussy .. nothing has been done ...

p/s : sure this wont be approve ..cowards :D

Aiman said...

Dear readers, I can only published your questions but I cannot answer on FSM behalf, this blog is not belongs to FSM nor its FSM official blog.

Dru, you're wrong. As long as the words not too harsh. 'The Truth' blog will always published it's readers comments.

Anonymous said...

dru, from what I know you are the licker. Truly a mad dog who just know how to go about barking, licking asses & pussy & had nothing good to contribute. I had seen your contribution in, you are full of shit. I also notice how deserted it is nowaday & really had to thanks you & your friends for it.

Anonymous said...

When you're can't even see the truth in front of you, not even can understand your own mother tongue letter!..worse, even accuse people to put "blame" on others. Accept the fact!, Devils!.

Anonymous said...

Dear list,

If a person cannot work with the committee and president of Malaysia Cat Club, Feline Society of Malaysia, Borneo Cat Club and Cat Fanciers Association (USA). This is a clear indication of a person who has problem and hurt. He is RIGHT AND EVERYONE IS WRONG. I DO PITY HORATIO AS HE CAN NEVER BE A TEAM PLAYER IN ANY CLUB. You can write all the fancy words to justify your action but at the end of the day, you action speaks louder than words.

Anonymous said...

Owh! very true. This type of people, they always think only about themselves. For them if any of their idea is rejected, then all of the committees (except him) is wrong. When there is error or fault and they always finger-pointed to the rest of the committees. YOU DON'T WANT THIS TYPE OF PEOPLE TO BE IN YOUR TEAM!.

It's funny to see when there are some members of FSM that really want to see FSM fall, tells all the bad things and lies about FSM then suddenly acting like they heart-broken to see FSM deregistered. Oh! come on!. this is not an opera!.

Anonymous said...

Dear List,if a person
A)has problem working with the Cat's club in Malaysia, Borneo and USA.
B)has problem staying on with one job for more than 6 months.
C)has problem finding a girl friend or wife.
Are you seriously telling me that he has no problem? As far as i am concerned, he is a social misfit.

Anonymous said...

How can't a person liked Horatio-suck talk about ethical issue when his own life style is full of shit.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are right. If a person cannot even put his house in order.
He has no merit plus moral authority over others. What a hyprocrite!

Anonymous said...

Well, feel sorry for Dr. Moonyza's team to have such 'mad dog' in their team last time. There are some more mad dogs out there, and I heard they start barking and tear each other apart now. huh?

Like I said earlier, last time I thought Dr. Moonyza and her team is wrong and this 'mad dogs' were right, but after I saw with my own eyes and do my own judgement, I knew nobody perfect but Dr. Moonyza and her team is much-much better then all the rest!.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

H ni tak boleh ngam ngan semua org lah
1. Kelab Kucing Malaysia
2. FSM
3. CFA Prez
4. Exhibitor2

Aku rasa baik dia duduk dlm hutan je..takder org situ..kecuali org utan..kesian org utan tu