Friday, December 5, 2008

Lies are not forever!

After many months of slanderous lies by Horatio in his blog. Arisham has answered the lies. knowing Arisham. I know this guy speak thru his heart, and the truth not lying and didn't have any hidden agenda. Here's is Arisham's answer to Horatio's lies....bravo!. Let's hope that many innocent people that believes the lies now will have the truth...

I had never denied that I was the Secretary elected (so to speak since I am the only contender for the post during our last AGM). What I had contributed for the past 6 months when I hold the post before I tendered my resignation on 28th November 2007, obviously the current committee will ignore my services but that is ok.

Yeah..u never denied...but in your first story...why you forgettin' about yourself as secretary and forgot all the UNDONE jobs by you.?. Only after I reminded you, you came with this story..

I did filed all necessary documents to our local ROS but it was rejected because the accounts submitted were too vague and they need a detailed account which I had reverted back to the President and the committee. From there, an ordinary committee member had suggested to engage an external auditor to audit the club’s account but until the day I’d resigned, I had not seen the audit report and it had came to my attention, the audit report did came back way after I had resigned. Did the current Secretary follow up with ROS from that time, that is the question!

Nope..that not the question, the questions are ...You said in the meeting, that you're in discussion with Putrajaya ROS. But when I take over, and went to check..actually its ROS Selangor who in charge??. (committee-please correct me if i'm wrong, anyway its all in the minutes). All the documents MUST BE SUBMITED to ROS within 60 days of AGM. You still have about what, 6-7 months time? why you haven't completed the documents? So, do you think ROS will accepted it 8 months later??. The decision to use Auditors (as previous committee failed to do the Account) is not by the committee BUT from AGM itself. Oh! maybe you forgot, that we cannot do changes of address without the AGM MINUTE that you never submitted and gave it to me!.

I had done what I need to be done and when I resigned, the President herself had accepted my resignation and a new Secretary had been elected (which is Arisham of course). Therefore, the new Secretary should continue whatever that is outstanding. Why wait until 10-11 months later and start to accuse me of the things that is not suppose to be done?

You NEVER done what need to be done, I did not accuse you 11 months later, I did mention/warn you what going to happen if you FAILED to gave me the documents. How to follow with the outstanding when you gave none reports/minutes to us??

Arisham did contacted me for FSM documents after I had resigned through Yahoo Messenger which I had told him that I had hand over all documents to the President during a post mortem meeting (so to speak) for MyCats07 show in which I do not have any more documents with me. Why does he still lingering with that question again after 10-11 months later? Do you need a warrant to check my premise for any FSM records?

The committee has instructed you to pass me the necessary documents. I did followup few days later saying that you haven't submit me the completed documents. No AGM Minute, Reports and Not a single Committee Minutes! (which i think we've done 10+ meetings). Therefore, I wont signed the letter of documents surrender (which means that you still held the responsibility of the documents).

Aisham had publicly accused me at the CFA Yahoo List for being a coward and I had resigned because I could not take up the burden or I had planned to finger-point to others. (I will consult my attorney about this for further action!!!)

I thought you ENGLISH better then mine, i did say MAYBE. If you're talking about the &*&*( words, read you blog!. Anyway..I think you soon will have SUE letter..from someone?

I resigned as Secretary because I had no confidence with the leadership of the President herself and I had so much more to offer my services instead of running shows which benefited certain individuals in the end anyway.

Everybody have their own excuses..

When ROS had sent letters to the previous committee’s old address, why I am to be blamed? Isn’t that the current Secretary role to ensure all correspondence to revert to whatever new address the committee wants?

Yes. because without the documents ROS won't allowed us to make changes. And all changes MUST BEEN MADE 60 days after AGM and you still the Secretary way long after that!.

Looks like there will be another Official Statement after all. Will wait and see…

Yes there will be Official Statement..don't worry about that..we will 'give you your dirty laundry'.


Anonymous said...

Betul la. Mula2 i pun ingat FSM ni jahat, rupa2nya i salah. Minta maaf semua komiti FSM.

Tapi dioarang mesti buat sesuatu pasal blog Horatio tu, melampau betul.

Anonymous said...

Memang la melampau si Horatio...