Sunday, December 14, 2008

What Goes Around Will Comes Around

Today Cat Friends of Asia has organized their second show. As their second show, I really wanna see some improvements on their show more ever, after they has written all bad things about Feline Society of Malaysia's shows. I believed they for sure will have much-much better and well organized show. But for my shock, this show has proved that they really need to go back to their paperwork!!!..and make their show committee members really looks like a newbie in show organizing!

Episode 1 : The err misplace...

Once I arrived, a few friends called me and said they couldn't find the show hall. Since i have a bad feelings gonna happen since the show organizer have changed their show venue in last minute, i quickly told them that the show venue has been moved to Amcorp Mall. Pity to them and maybe many other specatators that have drive from far away to the previous announced show hall and founded none show hall existed in The Summit!...but I cannot blame the spectators 100% because when I checked Horatio's (Ass. Show Manager) blog on 14th dec my shocked, the blog still show the previous venue poster!!! god...wake up man!! u sleepy head!

But, what actually happen?? err..from the rumors I got, the show counts is not up to the sponsors expectation...huh???

Episode 2 : The near-empty hall...

I arrived at about 9:00am, as I walk into the show hall to meet fellow members...Arisham (he proudly wear the Ambassador button), Jimmy, Ken and Suwardi...there is one weird thing that I never seen in any other show before...this show is near-empty!!!. I can easily count how many spectators were inside the show hall!. Firstly, I thought it was still early in the morning...but till the show officially end..the number of spectators hardly hit even 300!!! If I'm the sponsor, this is the first and last agreement with this show organizer!.

Episode 3 : Pity to the FSM Committee...

After have a seat, I ask Ken why some cats still in the carriers?. To my shocked Ken told me that the table for FSM committee groups is not enough!. Ken himself have to try find a table, when lastly after nearly an hour the show manager has asked her boys to fixed the table to the FSM committee...what kind of treatment is this?? i use the word Arisham said, UNPROFESSIONAL!.

Episode 4 : Show in the Hell???

Suddenly I realized that the show hall is so hot, not just before 10am..when the air condition is switch on after 10am..things still not getting better...the cats start to panting! and the exhibitors start to sweating and using the catalog book as fan!.

But after I thought about wonder, since devils like the hell so they trying to make their show hall feels like one!. Gosh!!!...

Episode 5 : The silence of the lamb...

Not only that, when couple more spectator come and we had chat in the hall while we watching ken & Jimmy running up and down to the ring just to check what number that each ring are calling, I find out why since they should be announcer for each ring. Seem that the way the announcer make the announcement is like putting a PR**K in his own mouth while making the accouncement. (NO Body can hear what he is talking about).

Episode 6 : Again..double standard...

After finished my coffee..I trying to find a plastic bags (like all the other tables have)..but none can be find attached at FSM Committees table. It not even been provided to them!. Luckily we came to an idea to use one empty box as dustbin...again...UNPROFESSIONAL!

Episode 7 : err counts? must be stuffed-in!.

I realized one thing about this show...the exhibitors is sooooooo fewwwww...if minus FSM Committees that brings about 15 cats to support the show, and minus some cat that I think the show organizer stuffed-in...ah...I think the number won't achieved even 80 ( I will come out with pie chart to get a clearer picture for this)...for 4 rings show..that's a disaster!..

Episode 8 : invinsible ambassador?.

I still remember that the show manager said that Horatio will manning the Ambassador my shock, the booth is empty!. Horatio is busying becoming 'silence' announcer that day..will it be good if they ask other Ambassador to manning the booth instead being greedy of 'becoming public figure???'. I only seen Arisham is the one who taking initiative to pass the Ambassador pamphlet to the spectators..

Episode 9 : colors of heart.

As I walk around I catch Arisham is talking to an indian couple, they laughs together and Arisham brings them around to introduce to them about the cat breeds...well who said Arisham is racist???...again..please do not simply make an accusation...

Episode 10 : Entrance fees???.

Oh ya...I forgot to mention about gate come there is a gate fees when in their poster mention nothing and so do their website...this is a rob man! you robber!!!!.

Luckily, to make the sour show looks better, THE FSM Committee decided to decorate their benching to suits 'Christmas Theme'...very sporting!.

At the end...Congratulations to Jimmy Lee (Felis Wonder Cattery) because DW, GC Nascat Super Charged! has became THE BEST CHAMPIONSHIP CAT...what no claps from the show organizer??? Come on! show some sportmanlike spirit will you?..uh? looks who the one gave the prize!...why the show manager herself didn't gave the prize??..oh! maybe she cannot stand to see jimmy happy face :P . Not just that, the Felis Wonder and Catizzadi families has won lots of rosettes!!...well done!!

LATEST NEWS! 16th DEC 2008

Today we received call from Jimmy saying the organizer has called him and apology for their mistake in the best kitten category...the correct one should be ENKO FROSTY (Ken's kitten)...gosh!!! a terrible error...maybe they all need to go back to secondary school to learn mathematics. So much humiliation in this show....arghhh..

However, Congratulations to Ken !!!....

This prove this Horatio accusing in his blog all NONSENSE!. Even without access to judges, Felis Wonder and Enko cats still won the best in their category. This show that their cats is really good. bravo!

The summary : well, i can't say much about this show..only IT'S A DISASTER SHOW!

MY ADVICE TO THE SHOW COMMITTEES : Next time, before you point-fingers at others...remember, one finger pointed at other people, FOUR POINTED BACK AT YOU!


Alicia said...

how interesting. sadly, i could not attend :(

Anonymous said...

I pun pegi show tu. Mmg teruk! tak nampak pro langsung!. Kucing tak byk. tak mcm show kat Mid Valley dulu. Hall tu mmg panas!. kesian kt kucing tu semua.